

The Community Trust Index

The Community Trust Index, an evidence-based tool designed to measure and cultivate trust between humanitarian organizations and the communities they serve, owes its success to the collaboration and dedication of National Societies.

Initiated in 2022, the Community Trust Index is spearheaded by the CEA team, working hand in hand with National Societies from each country. The ownership and implementation of the national survey and its results lie squarely with the National Societies themselves. The development of the Community Trust Index, primarily focused on assessing community trust towards Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, was made possible through cognitive research on Trust in Argentina, Azerbaijan, and Argentina. Special thanks are extended to the National Societies for their participation in the design and pilot phases, which were instrumental in refining the tool’s effectiveness. The pilots were conducted in Zambia and Argentina, marking crucial steps towards enhancing our understanding of community trust dynamics and improving humanitarian response strategies.

Methodology Note
(Coming soon)

Community Trust Index

Community Trust Index

The Community Trust Index comprises various models grouped into two categories: 1) trust in humanitarian organizations, encompassing their capacities and values in delivering services, and 2) trust in humanitarian programs and thematic across different organizations for effectiveness, community.

  • Institutional Trust – This module focuses on community trust toward the RCRC National Societies, with adaptable tools for use by other organizations working at the local level.
  • Early warning and Anticipation – The Early Warning and Anticipation module is designed to assess community trust in the capacity and efficiency of disaster prevention activities and the ability to support communities in being ready.
  • Climate Action – It addresses community trust in climate action, exploring trust in different aspects of climate initiatives implemented within or across various organizations.
  • Public Health – This module will respectively examine community trust in public health services, including health promotion information, preventative measures like vaccines, and therapeutics.
  • Migration and Displacement – It will assess community trust in services provided for migrants and displaced populations, encompassing information, aid, and support.

Our modules

Understanding The Community Trust Index Analytical Framework

The Community Trust Index, developed by the IFRC Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Unit, is an evidence-based tool to measure and enhance trust between humanitarian organizations and the communities they serve. The Community Trust Index is measured through Competencies and Values.

Our Journey


Step 01.


Planning is the first phase of the Community Trust Index Journey. It entails building consensus, engaging National Societies’ leadership for buy-in, secure a team, preparing information, trainings, developing research protocols, obtain ethical approvals, and ensuring technical and financial support is available for to collect, analyse and act on data. The Community Trust index can be integrated within existing research activities, such as perception surveys and other assessments, or implemented as standalone provided technical and financial support from a research partner.


Step 02.

Data Collection

In the data collection phase, the team will implement the standardized Community Trust Index survey in using a sampling approach recommended by an expert. To expand the Index to other thematic (climate change, disaster law and auxiliary law) and population groups (women, population on the move, religious groups), annexes to the original survey will de added. To further unpack surveys’ results, NS are recommended to collect qualitative data using key informant interviews, focus group discussions, observations, to grasp the social, historical, political, and behavioural aspects of trust in targeted communities. A guide to qualitative research for the Community Trust Index will be developed. A data storage and management system will be established within existing platforms used by National Societies and IFRC, where resources, tools and instructions can be shared to help National Societies implement the Community Trust Index. A data safeguarding plan will be developed with clear requirements for data storage and sharing.

Data Collection

Step 03.

Data Analysis

Data will be analyzed both quantitative and qualitatively to produce key results, which should be disaggregated to look at the variation of trust according to socio-demographic features and population groups. Data from the Community Trust Index should be triangulated with other type of data on trust available in the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement and beyond. Findings and recommendations should be discussed internally to explore themes further to feed the final report. Although the global Community Trust Index data is owned by the IFRC, the decision to make the data open access or protected from third parties must be made on a case-by-case basis and taken by the National Societies and branches participating in the Index. Different reports and briefs will be produced and tailored to different types of audiences (internal and external).

Data Analysis

Step 04.

Findings & Recommendations

This phase considers how findings inform NS and IFRC strategies, plans, and frameworks to improve community trust.

Findings & Recommendations

Step 05.

Action plans

To turn data into action requires recurring dialogues, exchange, and collaborations between the research team, National Societies, key decisionmakers, and CEA personnel to ensure uptake of recommendations aiming to restore or build community trust. Findings will inform operational planning and strategic decision-making at the IFRC and National Society levels, and transformed into evidence-based principles, attributes and indicators to access, assess, and certify National Societies.

Action plans

Step 06.

Evaluation & Learning

The Community Trust Index will be implemented every two years…

Evaluation & Learning

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

What is Community?

A group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society. Not everyone in the community is the same and within and across communities there will be a wide range of needs, capacities, and risks. Therefore, when you see the word ‘community’ in this guide, it refers to all the diverse groups who make up a community, including women, men, boys, and girls, older persons, people with disabilities, different ethnic groups, sexual and gender minorities and marginalized or at-risk groups.

What is Trust?

Is “a person’s belief that another person or institution will act consistently with their expectations of positive behaviour”. Trust is driven by a solid social contract, which are rules, obligations, norms that bind the different people together and shape their thoughts, attitudes, and behaviours.

What are the antecedents of Community Trust Index?

In the RCRC context, the issue of trust was highlighted in a special session at the 2019 RCRC International Conference, where one of the key messages was that trust if often taken for granted, and as RCRC organisations we believe that communities trust us, but there is no clear scientific evidence on trust and what aspects we need to improve to achieve the quality and sustainability of our actions. Based on these recommendations, the IFRC’s CEA unit is creating the Community Trust Index as part of the USAID-BHA project to help understand community trust.

What is Community Trust Index?

A scientifically tested tool(s) for measuring and fostering community trust in the humanitarian action. The tools include implementation guide, a quantitative survey with standardised set of questions that together measure the level of community trust toward a humanitarian aid organisation such as a Red Cross/Red Crescent Society, a qualitative guide to be adapted to complement the survey results, and more guidelines to move from data to action and foster trust in the National Society level. The Trust Index is not a single tool. It is is an initiative that uses a set of tools (the survey is just one tool) to measure trust and grasp the contextual barriers and enablers of trust.

What is the aim of Community Trust Index?

The Community trust Index overall aim is twofold: 1) research: to obtain evidence-based information on the level and variation of community trust, and barriers and enablers and 2) action: to provide recommendations, and action plans to foster and increase community trust, particularly in the Re Cross/Red Crescent Societies.

How is Community Trust Index coordinated?

The Community Trust Index is an IFRC global project led by National Societies through regional coordination. For the Index to achieve its goals, the global, regional, and national levels must work together in a coordinated manner to share guidance, jointly develop plans for data collection and analysis, and develop evidence-based recommendations and interventions to foster trust. Poor collaboration between the different levels could jeopardize the effectiveness of the project and lead to duplication of effort.