


The Community Trust Index (CTI) is a measurement tool used by Ecuadorian Red Cross to assess and monitor the level of trust in their work with communities across the country. It evaluates trust in multiple dimensions including competencies such as reliability, technical proficiency and experience, and values such as ethics, integrity, and transparency. The community index was conducted in 24 provinces using a mixed approach.

Lead: Ecuadorian Red Cross
Support: IFRC Americas, Ground Truth Solution

Institutional Overall Score
Index scoreThe overall score is the average of the competences and values scores. The competency and values scores are the arithmetic mean of the scores for each sub-dimension. The sub-dimension scores are generated from the weighted average of the response rates to the questions relating to each sub-dimension, using the following weightings.

Last update: From August to October 2023


With support from the regional and global CEA teams, the Ecuador Red Cross conducted a mixed methods survey to measure perception of trust among service recipients and broader community from August to 10th October 2023. The questionnaire was administered across 24 provinces, gathering data from 2099 respondents to ensure representative sampling.

Understand Trust in Ecuador

Explore the following contextual analysis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the current situation in Ecuador.

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Community trust by population profile

The Community Trust Index in Ecuador indicates a positive overall score of 8.558 (out of 10). The higher score for ERC service recipients (8.782) suggests that the National Society's efforts are well-perceived and contribute to maintaining a high level of trust among target populations. However, the score for community members who do not receive Red Cross support (7.971) suggests that there is potential for improvement in communicating the positive impact of the ERC to the wider community.


Volunteers are individuals who actively participate in various Ecuador Red Cross programs, initiatives, or projects.

People receiving support

Individuals who directly receive benefits or support from Ecuador Red Cross programs, such as social welfare, healthcare, or education initiatives.


Individual who do not receive benefits or support from Ecuador Red Cross programs or engaged with the Ecuador Red Cross in general

Perceptions of community trust

In the category Transparency, the scores were lower across all groups, particularly among those not receiving services from the Red Cross (Overall: 5.9, ERC service recipients: 6.494, Others: 4.342). This result requires further qualitative studies to be understood in depth, especially considering the high scores in other categories. The perception may have been influenced by the country context during 2023, particularly during the months of September and October.


Geographic analysis

More data

In this study, we explore perceptions of community trust in different provinces of Ecuador. By analysing data collected from different communities, we aim to shed light on the top 3 provinces where community trust thrives and the bottom 3 provinces where challenges to trust perceptions may be more pronounced.

Top 3
Bottom 3

Top 3
Bottom 3


The results suggest that the community has a high level of trust in the core competencies and values of ERC. Nevertheless, as previously detected in a Social Listening study conducted by the Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) team of the Americas Regional Office, contextual factors unrelated to ERC are likely affecting community perception of trust. Designing an effective response to this behaviour may require further rapid qualitative studies specifically focused on that category. Read more: Social Listening Study.

The competencies and values of the ERC are widely trusted by both those who receive support from the National Society and those who do not. When it comes to competencies, respondents perceive the National Society as an organisation with a robust capacity to deliver timely and high-quality humanitarian aid and services. The ERC is recognized as a highly relevant humanitarian actor in the country, actively engaging with its communities and adapting to various contexts. In terms of values, those surveyed perceive ERC as a respectful, inclusive, and community-engaged organization. However, there was a significant decrease in the Transparency category, likely influenced by security and broader contextual conditions during the data collection period (August-October 2023).

To understand the drivers behind this perception and to guide responsive action, we recommend conducting rapid qualitative research specifically focused on this category.



  • All Respondents

  • Men

  • Women


Age Group


Female aged of 18-30 and male over 40 years old are oversampled. Female over 60 year-old are undersampled. Results have been post stratified and weighted. In Loja and Zamora Chinchipe, the low number of respondents don't allow disaggregation of the score. See the summary for more details.

Understanding The Community Trust Index Analytical Framework

The Community Trust Index, developed by the IFRC Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Unit, is an evidence-based tool to measure and enhance trust between humanitarian organizations and the communities they serve. The Community Trust Index is measured through Competencies and Values.