


The Community Trust Index (CTI) is a measurement tool used by Philippines Red Cross to assess and monitor the level of trust in their work with communities across the country. It evaluates trust in multiple dimensions including competencies such as reliability, technical proficiency and experience, and values such as ethics, integrity, and transparency. The community index was conducted in 24 provinces using a mixed approach.

Lead: Philippines Red Cross
Support: IFRC Asia Pacific, Ground Truth Solution

Institutional Overall Score
Index scoreThe overall score is the average of the competences and values scores. The competency and values scores are the arithmetic mean of the scores for each sub-dimension. The sub-dimension scores are generated from the weighted average of the response rates to the questions relating to each sub-dimension, using the following weightings.

Last update: June 2023


Historically, trust in the government and institutions in the Philippines has fluctuated, influenced by political events, economic conditions, and social issues.

Understand Trust in Philippines

Explore the following contextual analysis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the current situation in Philippines.

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Community trust by population profile

The Community trust in the Philippines Red Cross can vary among different population groups, including volunteers, beneficiaries, and the general population. The following charts present the overall score among these profiles.


Volunteers are individuals who actively participate in various Philippines Red Cross programs, initiatives, or projects.

People receiving support

Individuals who directly receive benefits or support from Philippines Red Cross programs, such as social welfare, healthcare, or education initiatives.


Individual who do not receive benefits or support from Philippines Red Cross programs or engaged with the Philippines Red Cross in general

Perceptions of community trust

It's important to note that community trust in the Red Cross is a complex and multifaceted concept. It is influenced by a range of factors beyond the population groups above, such as competencies or ethical values. The following charts explain which factors is contributing to the Community Trust Index in the Philippines.


Geographic analysis

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Top 3
Bottom 3

Top 3
Bottom 3


Strengthen transparency within the Red Cross Society is essential to maintain a high level of trust with communities. This requires a strategic and multi-faceted approach. Some critical considerations are already in place within the PRCS such as training on ethics and accountability which ensure a good transparency knowledge of the institution. However, improving transparency perception at community level requests additional community engagement actions.

  • Communication Strategy

    Develop a clear and comprehensive communication strategy that outlines how information will be disseminated with communities for improving transparency and accountability. This includes defining communication channels, frequency of updates, and the types of information that will be shared.

  • Feedback Mechanisms

    Reinforce and socialize existing feedback mechanism that allows communities to provide feedback but also access to action taken based on their feedbacks.

  • Public Participation in Decision-Making

    Consider involving the public in certain decision-making processes, such as selecting projects or allocating resources. This can enhance transparency and public trust.



  • All Respondents

  • Men

  • Women


Age Group


The survey sample is designed only in Albay, Cotabato, Lanao del Sur, Masbate, Sulu, Surigao del Norte, and Tawi-Tawi where the COVID-19 vaccination rates is low.

Understanding The Community Trust Index Analytical Framework

The Community Trust Index, developed by the IFRC Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) Unit, is an evidence-based tool to measure and enhance trust between humanitarian organizations and the communities they serve. The Community Trust Index is measured through Competencies and Values.